Calculating Pagination
After filling in all required pagination information and clicking Calculate Pagination, ARTEMIS applies the indicated pagination rules and calculates the start and end pages for all components in the Issue Sequencing section. ARTEMIS displays the page numbers for each section in the format indicated by the Sequence Template. When Calculate Pagination completes, ARTEMIS saves all information in the Issue Sequence section with the new pagination information.
Pagination options implement the layout rules for the Issue. ARTEMIS applies the pagination options to a Component and may be applied jointly:
- Run In: A Run In occurs when Component 1 finishes on a partial page and the next Component is laid out to start on the same page as Component 1 finished. In this case, Component 2 is designated as a Run In as it runs into Component 1. Note that the page count for the components rounds up.
- Flow On: A Flow On is always an "add one" instruction to the end page algorithm to account for the fact that partial pages are involved. In the previous Run In example, if Component 1 is 1.5 pages long and starts on page 1 and ends on page 2, and Component 2 is one page long and starts on Page 2, a Flow On instruction must be added to Component 2. This is to assure the page count algorithm has Component 1 starting on page 1 and ending on page 2 while Component 2 starts on page 2 and ends on page 3 (half the article will be on page 2 and the other half on page 3), even though it is only one page. (If you didn't assign Component 2 the Flow On rule than it would start on page 2 and end on page 2.) Flow On can only occur when a component is also a Run-In.
- Blank: A Blank is a blank page inserted following any Component and may occur anywhere within an Issue.
NOTE:You cannot leave Issue Sequencing with Complete if you've applied a sequence number but you haven't performed a page calculation. If you try, ARTEMIS displays an error message telling you that calculations must occur after sequencing and before the task is submitted or completed.
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